DIY Google

DIY Google

Pick a Google tool you want to explore with the rest of your day here. It can be from the list on the right, but it doesn't have to be.

Here are some sample challenges, but feel free to make up your own challenge.


Create a blog and play with the design.

Write an About Me blog post.

Make any blog post.


Create a play list of videos for your curriculum.

Find channels you are interested in and subscribe.


Create a G+ profile and start finding people to add to your circles. (Note: Some school GApps accounts are not enabled for G+.)


Create a GSite and play with the design.

Create pages and add content.


Search for restaurants in your area.

Find directions from UWC to the VHotel using public transportation.

Create your own map to share favorite places in the city in which you live.

Google Cultural Institute

Go to the Art Project and make a playlist of art. Narrate your playlist.

Search the other projects and see what you can do.


Look through Jay's descriptions of different scripts. Pick a problem that you have that might be solved with scripts. Make a workflow for which scripts to use.

After your exploration, please add what you learned to the Google doc below.



Blogging resources for SAS students

Blogging resources for SAS teachers

Getting Started with Student Blogging


YouTube Education

Harnessing YouTube by PGreenSoup

Google+ and Hangouts

Google+ Support

Google+ Playlist by Jay Atwood


Get Started with Sites

Sites Support

Even More Support


Google Maps Support

Google Maps Engine Lite

Google Cultural Institute

Google Art Project

World Wonders Project

Historic Moments


Jay Atwood's Script Central

Learn Google Apps

Training materials for getting started with Google Apps. Includes short videos and app basics. Good for beginners.

Google Support

Nicely organized support materials for most of Google's tools. Good for beginners and experts.

Google Apps for Education Training Center

Training materials for people who want to become Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers. These materials are more advanced, but if you're looking for something specific, it's probably in there. Good for experts.

DIY Google

And now, let's Demo Slam!!

Your turn! Pick one thing you learned to share with others. Present in your groups and then we'll do a group share out at the end.